Turn your text into beautiful images

Turn your text into beautiful images
Turn your text into beautiful images
Imagine something and just type it to create your next masterpiece with SpinSalt AI.

How to make AI generated art?

Get unique, highly personalized images just by describing it. Trained by millions of images on the web and guided by professional artists and graphic designers, our AI can create anything you can imagine—all from scratch each time.

STEP - 1

Enter your image description

"a highly detailed matte painting of a single gas station with a sign in the fog by studio ghibli"

STEP - 2

Sprinkle SpinSalt AI

STEP - 3

Get an Output

STEP - 1

STEP - 2

STEP - 3

"a highly detailed matte painting of a single gas station with a sign in the fog by studio ghibli"

Enter your image description

Sprinkle SpinSalt AI

Get an Output

Images generated from a simple text prompt

If you’re interested to see what type of images our AI can create, here are a couple of examples our AI Image Generator has created.

Pricing Plans

It's simple. 1 token = 1 standard image


300 tokens per month



  • Watermark-free AI images
  • Priority customer support
  • Lifetime free updates


100 tokens per month



  • Watermark-free AI images
  • Priority customer support
  • Lifetime free updates

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our Rock Solid Satisfaction Guarantee. If for whatever valid reason during the FIRST 30 days of your purchase, you are not satisfied with SpinSalt, simply contact us and our support team will issue you an immediate and full refund.

Junaid Khalifa

Frequently Asked Questions

How does SpinSalt works?

We use AI to generate images from text. Simply describe what you want to see and click generate.

How do the tokens work?

It's simple. One token= 1 standard 512x512px image. You can check the number of tokens that are required to generate each image, below the GENERATE button.

Can I change or cancel my subscription anytime?

Absolutely. You can cancel, downgrade or upgrade your subscription at any time—we want you to be 100% happy with your experience!

Do you plan to add new features?

We are currently working on outpainting and inpainting image editor.

How to report bugs?

Please send us an email at support@spinsalt.com

When do I get new tokens each month?

Your token refresh will happen on first day of each month.

For example, if you subscribed on the 25th of March, then your token quota will reset on 1st April. We do not offer tokens roll over from month to month.